Historyman presents: The Tryon Association, Associational Documents

An Association.

The unprecedented, barbarous and bloody actions committed by the British Troops on our American Brethren near Boston on the 19th of April & 20th of May last, together with the Hostile operations & Traiterous Designs now Carrying on by the Tools of Ministerial Vengeance & Despotism for the Subjugating all British America, suggest to us the painful necessity of having recourse to Arms for the preservation of those Rights & Liberties which the principles of our Constitution and the Laws of God, Nature, and Nations have made it our duty to defend.

We therefore, the Subscribers Freeholders & Inhabitants of Tryon County, do hereby faithfully unite ourselves under the most sacred ties of Religion, Honor & Love to Our Country, firmly to Resist force by force in defence of our Natural Freedom & Constitutional Rights against all Invasions, & at the same time do solemnly engage to take up Arms and Risque our lives and fortunes in maintaining the Freedom of our Country, whenever the Wisdom & Council of the Continental Congress or our Provincial Convention shall Declare it necessary, & this Engagement we will continue in and hold sacred \’till a Reconciliation shall take place between Great Britain and America on Constitutional principles which we most ardently desire. And we do firmly agree to hold all such persons Inimical to the liberties of America, who shall refuse to subscribe to this Association.

Signed by:

John Walker                                                          

Charles McLean                                                    

Jacob Forney              

Davis Whiteside                                                                      

Peter Sides                                                            

William Whiteside

Andrew Neel                                                          

Thomas Beatty                                                      

James Coburn

Frederick Hambright                                              

Andrew Hampton                                                   

Benjamin Hardin

George Paris                                                         

William Graham                                                     

Robt. Alexander

David Jenkins                                                        

Thomas Espey                                                      

Perrygreen Mackness

James McAfee                                                       

William Thomson                                                   

John Beeman

John Morris                                                           

Joseph Harden                                                      

John Robison

Valentine Mauny                                                    

George Black                                                        

Jas. Logan

Jas. Baird.                                                             

Christian Carpinter                                                

Abel Beatty

Joab Turner                                                           

Jonathan Price                                                      

Jas. Miller

John Dellinger                                                       

Geo. Dellinger                                                       

Samuel Barbender

Jacob Moony, Jun                                                 

John Wells                                                             

Jacob Cortner             

 Robert Hulclip                                                       

James Buchanan                                                   

Moses Moore

Joseph Kuykendall                                                

Adam Simms                                                         

Richard Waffer

Samuel Smith                                                        

Joseph Neel                                                          

Samuel Loftree

Resolved, that we will Continue to profess all Loyalty and attachment to our Sovereign Lord King George the Third, His Crown & Dignity, so long as he secures to us those Rights and Liberties which the principles of Our Constitution require.

Resolved, and we do Impower every Captain or other Officer in their Respective Companies to raise sufficient force in order to detain and secure all powder and Lead that may be removing or about to be Removed out of the County; and that they do prevent any of such powder and Lead from being sold or disposed of for private uses; but to be under the direction of this Committee until the Delegates shall return from the provincial Convention; Provided nevertheless that this Resolution is not meant to hinder any persons Inhabitants of other County\’s from Carrying powder and Lead through this County to their respective abodes unless there is just Cause to suspect that they Intend such Powder and Lead for Injurious purposes; then and in such case notice is to be given to the Committee of the County in which such person resides, that they make such order thereon as to them shall seem proper.

Resolved, that Mr Daniel McKissick do make application to the Council of Safety of Charles Town for 500 weight Gun powder 600 weight Lead, and 600 Gun Flints to be distributed under the direction of this Committee when it shall be judged necessary.

Resolved, that we do Recommend to the Captains of the Several Companies in this Regiment to call together their men in order to collect what money they can conveniently to provide powder and lead, and that they make due return of what money is received to the Committee at next meeting.

Resolved, that this Committee meet at the Court House of this County on the 14th Day of September next there to Deliberate on such matters as shall be Recommended by Our Provincial Convention.

Signed by

JOHN WALKER, Chairman.*


*Minutes of the Proceedings of Committee Tryon County 1775,” State Archives of North Carolina. A comprehensive study is Kathy Gunter Sullivan, Tryon County Documents 1769-1779: A North Carolina County (Forest City, North Carolina: Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County, 2000).

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